Full Body Massage

Step by Step  Full Body Massage Having a massage can be seriously beneficial for your health. Research suggests it can ease insomnia, boost immunity, prevent PMT and increase alertness. Studies also show massage reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to less stress, anxiety and depression. Giving a relaxing massage is also a wonderful way to help you connect with your partner. The touch forges a strong, safe, trusting bond that will, in turn, improve your loved one’s wellbeing (not to mention their mood). Here, Kaye Dixon from Central Springs School of Massage & Holistic Therapies shares 10 easy steps to giving a relaxing, restorative massage based on the Hawaiian style


Glowing Skin Is 10 Steps Away With This Easy Spa Facial

Your esthetician will wrap your hair in a headband or a towel and remove any makeup that you may be wearing. Some spas have their estheticians rub cream, jell, or lotion onto your face and neck and use cotton pads, cloths, and warm water to remove the cleanser. Once your face is completely clean, you are ready for the next step.

Skin analysis and cleansing

Depending on whether you have makeup on, the esthetician might look at your skin under a bright lamp first, or covers your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp. She is determining your basic skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal) and skin conditions (acne, blackheads, whiteheads, aging, sun-damage, dehydration, etc.). The esthetician then chooses the appropriate products and treatments and consults with you about what he or she sees and recommends.


This is where the fun stuff starts. Warm steam will be applied to your face using either a heated, moist towel or a machine that gently directs a layer of steam to your face. The warm steam is extremely relaxing and loosens up the muscles in your face. The steam weakens blackheads and whiteheads and the sweat it produces will help clear your pours.


Now that your skin has been exfoliated and the steam has relaxed your face, it is time to extract any whiteheads and blackheads. Because the previous steps were preparation for this one, the extractions should not be very painful. Your estheticians may use the lighted magnifying glass/lamp again to locate the imperfections in your skin. Different estheticians use different extraction techniques. You can discuss this before your facial or the extractions.


Who doesn’t love a massage? After the extraction procedure you deserve to be pampered. A facial massage will be used to stimulate your facial muscles and put you in a state of deep relaxation. Depending on the type of facial, oil or lotion may be used during the massage.

Facial Mask

After your massage a facial mask will be applied. The mask will be specially formulated to match your skin type and help treat any skin conditions that were discussed during the consultation. During most facials you will receive a massage while you wait for the mask to work its magic.

Final Applications

After the mask is removed you will likely receive an application of skin specific cream or gel. You may also receive moisturizer, serums, and sunscreen.


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